Different kinds of peptides that are used in skincare

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Peptides are the building blocks that proteins are made of. When the amino acids link, they form a chain known as amino peptides. And, when the peptides come together, what they form is the basis for all types of protein. In fact, this includes the most crucial protein that your skin needs to maintain its elasticity: collagen.

The role of peptides in generating collagen in the skin is the main reason why the cosmetic industry hails this as a wonder ingredient. But, before you go ahead and invest in a cosmetic product that enlists it as an ingredient, check this website and read on to know a bit about the different types of peptides found in the products.

Neurotransmitter inhibitors: The wrinkle relaxers

Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that causes the muscles to contract leading to the formation of wrinkles. The neurotransmitter inhibitor peptides inhibit the release of acetylcholine through a number of chemical reactions. Other such neurotransmitter inhibitors include Botox and Curare.

The neurotransmitter inhibitor peptides that are used on the skin relax the facial muscles so that they contract less and the appearance of wrinkles is visibly reduced. In fact, these peptides are so effective that they are known to have reduced the appearance of wrinkles by thirty percent or more in some cases.

Signal peptides: The collagen boosters

The signal peptides help in stimulating the fibroblasts of the skin for producing more elastin, collagen, and similar other proteins in the dermal matrix. An increase in these supportive proteins makes your skin look fuller and firmer.

A good example of signal peptide is GHK, which is also among the first peptides that were discovered. During the early 1970s, GHK was isolated from the human plasma. Its ability to heal wounds was first discovered in during the 1980s, which also means that research is still underway to find out more about this peptide.

Carrier peptides: The delivery agents

The peptides are able to deliver trace elements, such as magnesium and copper, which are helpful in enzymatic processes and wound repairing. It has also been proven to improve skin elasticity, collagen synthesis, and general skin appearance.

For instance, Lanin gel (or copper complex) is made up to lysine, histamine, and glycine amino acids. It is used for treating diabetic neuropathic sores. This peptide is also known as a membrane-transduction peptide or a penetrating peptide.

Enzyme inhibitor peptides: The breakdown reducers

As you can already guess by the name, these are the kind of peptides that interfere with the enzyme reactions. The significance of this one lies in the fact that there are enzymes (like matrix metalloproteinases, or MMP) that degenerate structural proteins such as collagen.

Thus, inhibiting certain enzymes using these peptides help in preserving natural collagen and keeping the skin suppler and younger. The mechanism of how this works is actually a lot similar to the way the hormonal disruptors work.

And, now, you are better prepared to make an informed decision about the cosmetic products that you buy.

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